finacon fonduri europene 2014-2020 microintreprinderi autoritati publice EU Funds energy efficiency

This month we will have the first calls for proposals for microenterprises and public authorities

The first calls under the Regional Operative Program 2014-2020 will be launched in March. In this round the following grant calls will be opened:

  • Grants for microenterprises
  • Improvement of road infrastructure
  • Energy efficiency support for residential buildings
  • Conserving, promoting, protection and development of natural and cultural patrimony
  • Actions for revitalising the urban environment, decontamination of brownfields, reducing the air pollution and noise in cities
  • Diversification of local economies through sustainable development of tourism.

In order to prepare successful grant applications on any of the above mentioned grant schemes you are cordially invited to get in touch with one of our consultants the soonest, so that you get the best chance to obtain the needed financing.

investors days finacon energy efficiency eu funds

Investors days – Bruxelles, 22-23 February 2016

One year ago, the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) published its final report on recommendations how to increase investments in Energy Efficiency. 12 months later, project developers, financial institutions, policy makers and other interested stakeholders gathered to evaluate the current situation and the progress achieved, to discuss how to increase deal flow, necessary next market solutions and pitch funding to interested developers. Finacon was represented at the event, and here is our briefing.

With speakers from DG Energy (European Commission), UNEP-FI, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the US Department of Energy, the Deutsche Bank, the European Investment Bank, Joule Assets, SUSI Partners and more, the conference provided valuable insights for the energy efficiency market. Successful financing models were presented, investors approach on the topic, how they choose their target areas and funded projects. The informal breaks were the ground to discuss concrete ways to attract financing for energy efficiency projects. The event was the starting point for several collaborations, and some of them will be seen also on the Romanian market in the near future.

The conclusion is that there are several financing sources for energy efficiency projects, may it be through private equity or EU grants. We just have to prepare and propose coherent projects, that can attract such financing.

Financing for innovative energy services

Sustainable energy through innovative energy services

New business models in the energy services industry can now be developed with a grant through Horizon 2020. The goal of such a grant application is to develop business models that better monetise future energy savings. The following types of applications are envisaged:

  • Proposals focusing on the roll-out of business models for innovative energy efficiency services (e.g. energy performance contracting), enabling to fully monetise the resulting energy savings.
  • Proposals replicating successful innovative financing solutions already implemented across the EU as well as successful innovative energy services. Particular attention should be given to innovative solutions enabling aggregation, securitisation, project bundling, risk sharing, structuring of clearing houses, or developing new investment mechanisms (e.g. crowd-funding for sustainable energy).
  • Proposals implementing large-scale capacity building for public authorities and SMEs to set-up or use innovative financing schemes for sustainable energy.

pilonsThe Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 1 and 1.5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

For more information please visit

Energy efficiency financing

Energy efficiency financing

44c0e242-a448-4bce-958b-769df325ac8bNew financing solutions are now available for public institutions and for private companies, for energy efficiency projects. The proposed model of financing is based on the ESCO model, and it applies to high energy consumers and municipalities. The components of the model are the following:

  • The beneficiary (private company or municipality) has a high energy consumption;
  • There is an intention to implement an energy efficiency plan within the beneficiary;
  • The proposed plan and its investment is being carried out by an Energy Service Company (ESCO), on its own expense. This plan could consist of public lightning optimization, installing sensors, photovoltaic panels, upgrading the substations, changing motors and other consumers (for companies) etc.
  • The beneficiary is not involved financially in the investment, all the expenses being paid by the ESCO company;
  • The investment results in an economy of energy. This economy will be split between the beneficiary and the investor, whom will reimburse its investment from his part of the economy.

Your benefits are:

  • you get a 100% investment in all your consumers;
  • you are not required to participate financially at this investment;
  • you will get a smaller energy invoice from month 1.

For further details please contact our office, and one of our efficiency specialists will provide full information.